Tuesday, January 19, 2010


So my house is a disaster the kids are running around in sheer craziness....but I don't even care because I just finished this adorable little outfit for the babe. Well I think it is adorable anyway. It took much more unpicking than sewing...even though a simple pattern...but it is done. Yeah...now I can feed my kids and clean my house.


Me :) said...

YOU ARE SO SO SO SO SO TALENTED!!!!!!!!! How do you even get these cute ideas?! Mike was right! you really need to start selling these things!!!!!!! I am so jealous and so proud of you at the same time! :)

Me :) said...

YOU ARE SO SO SO SO SO TALENTED!!!!!!!!! How do you even get these cute ideas?! Mike was right! you really need to start selling these things!!!!!!! I am so jealous and so proud of you at the same time! :)