Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Conference Weekend!

I always love Conference weekend.  There are a million profound truths that I am reminded of while watching.  General Conference happens twice a year, and is a live TV broadcast where religious leaders in the Mormon church speak.  I love that I am part of a religion that celebrates family, motherhood, sound values, and positive outlooks.  I love that I feel protected from the negative of the world because I believe what I believe.

Mike was on call all weekend.  My brothers and sister were spending time together, and I was a bit homesick.  There is nothing better for me on a homesick weekend than to pull out my sewing machine and make a little something.  Here was my therapy.....

A fallish toile dress for Catherine

My little model took a nose dive on the sidewalk.....I just have to document....

At least she is still smiling....:)

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