Catherine is home sick with a cold and Sammy is sleeping. With the other two kids at school....this is one quiet day! I have been working on de-cluttering my life, getting ready for a move in a few months. is amazing how many things we have collected over the seven years we have been living in this house. I never considered myself a fact I LOVE to get RID of STUFF. It somehow makes me feel less of a weight on my shoulders.
With that being said my husband and children tease me a lot about being two things.....
I throw away too many things (often important documents, papers, warranties etc.) and
I am a "STUFFER"!
Yes I must admit. I hate to have to admit.
I don't like to have too many things out.....and without much time, I just stuff them away in random drawers and nooks and corners. I am what I like to call a "randomly organized" person. I have an order to my chaos....but no one in their right mind could figure it out except ME:) I may be alone in this....but....
My point in analyzing my cleaning/organizing capabilities. They are reflective of how I deal with things in general. I think for many people the way they organize and clean is reflective of their personality.
For example......I am good at avoiding little things that bother me in my life. I can just tuck away problems in the corner of my mind. I can kind of block out the bad as long as I, in my own mind, am appearing to be calm and somewhat put together. I don't carry and hold a lot of grudges. I can let many things just roll off my shoulders and let it go. However, I am also a stuffer. If something does bother me....I simply put it off, and tuck it away. I am good at avoiding. The problem lies....because I can only stuff for so long. At the end of a long period of time I have often stuffed away too much!
My point for this entry. This is my year to clean out and organize all my little STUFFs. I am cleaning it out and getting rid.
This is my year to UN STUFF! I am going to get organized with the little things physically and emotionally. How I am going to do that? Well that is a bit more tricky First of all recognizing.....secondly......I am not quite sure. Haven't gotten to that point yet. I will keep posted on that. For starters though I did find this....
on pinterest......

My good friend Sara pinned this....and I really do love it. I am going to be pulling out my 7 Habits for Highly Effective People, How to Make Friends and Influence get me started on this un-stuffing journey!
Now is the TIME!:)
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