Saturday, March 8, 2014

Nostalgic Moments

Whenever there is change.....their are many nostalgic moments.  We are going through LOTS of changes in the next few months.  I have been reminiscing about the last year in particular.  A year ago we loaded up our little family and headed to Atlanta, Georgia for a three month stay.  Mike was training at a Hospital in Atlanta, and we got to go along for the ride.  

It was DREAMY.  Every part of it...minus the one bedroom, a couple cock roaches, and a citation or two.:)  Another story for another day.  

I was going through old pictures from our trip.....the BEST memories....were made.  

Change is hard.  I was dreading our journey to Atlanta last year, and it ended up being the BEST three months of our year.  There is hope in change...even with a few unexpected adventures mixed in.

I took a MILLION pictures last spring.  Overwhelming to go through....
This first one has to be one of my all time favorites of all times of any photo I have taken.


This was my Mother's day and flowers!

 Hilton Head will forever be my favorite beach.  That is until I can persuade my husband to take me to Maui:)  
Mike and I are two peas in a pod on the beach.  We both love the sun, the beach, the water.....

Me and my MIKE!  Totally symbolizes my adoration for him.  
And yes.....his coast is clear:)

My little Georgin peach at heart.  We were lovin the sun hats. 

Okay.....I am okay.  I can keep fixes holes in our prepare to sale it.  I can keep packing, sorting, and grouting.  We can DO THIS.  WE WILL DO THIS.

CHANGE IS GOOD! The pictures above reminded me in a moment of doubt today!  

1 comment:

Amber said...

Sweet blog post. I love all your pictures. I agree that life can take us to unexpected places, but it's true...sometimes those places end up being the very thing that brings you the most joy and togetherness. All the best on your new journey. :)