Monday, April 7, 2014

Mike's Parents, and Conference Weekend.

We had Mike's parents in town this past week. Goodness they are wonderful.  They are wonderful to stay with us and sleep in the basement.  They are wonderful to always leave our house stocked with goods from Costco, deep clean my bathrooms and refridge.....and still LOVE me.  Kathy always stays up late late with the kids reading them stories, Mike's Dad always fixes all of our house problems that we can't seem to figure out (ie. electrical, plumbing, broken fences).  

Simply put....they are amazing.  

They go go and go, and work, work, and work.  They love us, they love my kids.  We always laugh a ton when they are here (especially at Kathy and her funny stories).  Mike's Dad is the best at teasing my little Mikey.  They are great examples, and my kids adore them.  

We have Dan (Mike's brother staying with us for a month) while he is doing a medical rotation at the hospital Mike works at.  Orthopedics must run in the blood.  

Conference weekend is always refreshing, motivating and just what this family always needs.  Yesterday after Mike's parents left in between conference sessions....I loaded up the oldest two and we headed out for a Sunday drive/farm exploration.  With a short time left here in the farm lands....we have to get some good land time:)  The weather was gorgeous....(finally)!!!  Afternoon drives with my Mom were always something that I loved.  We would drive around and look at houses, and notice all the little things.  We would talk about everything and nothing.  Yesterday that is exactly what I did with to oldest.  

I have been have a creativity block.  It seems like all I can focus on is moving, and what that is going to entail.  I have been focusing on all the unknowns and things I simply can not control right now.

Yesterday I finally felt like me again.  My creative juices, and carefree attitude was back a bit.  It felt so good to be outside, with my kids, and doing something with creativity in mind.  My camera in hand.  
I loved it.  It is reminding me of something I already expressed.  Working with my hands, and creating is something that I need to do to keep me sane.  Even if it is just something small.  Writing and blogging is included in this.:)  

Always in a ready set tackle mode....

Like mother like daughter. 

Her grumpy, silly face....

In character.....

Someone trying to be just "that" much taller....

His face....

Dancing on the walls....(at least not in my house)  

I woke up some serious rain for a couple of I can relish in these pictures above.  I won't know what to do with myself when the sun is shining every day!  

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