These kids of mine started the big first day of school two weeks ago. quickly they all grow up before my eyes. They were ready and rearing to go. Alyssa wanted to make sure she made everyone's lunch. Mikey had his alarm set an hour and a half early.....just to make sure he didn't miss it. Cath had her outfit set neatly out with matching accessories ready for the first day! We had to hide the makeup from her the morning of. Sam....well needless to say he was ready to join the big kids at the big school. I had to make sure he didn't sneak and chase the bikes down the road after the door was closed.
115 degree weather for the first day of school changes my traditional back to school wardrobe idea of cute kids lined up in corduroy, flannel, and jeans. The kids took extra large water bottles. Despite the heat they till insisted on riding bikes to school. We have a group of a neighbors that ride together is a gang of sorts. I am the paranoid mother who does the secret and not so secret drive by....just to make sure they are not passing out from heat stroke and staying on the right side of the road.
I had about 30 seconds to snap a couple of photos of the morning. With school starting early here (7:40 am) we are always on a bit of a time crunch.
Mikey's smiles were a little painful......he was over the photo shoot before it began...
The cool side hug....with he best friend Owen.
He was off......
It was quite bright....and hard to keep our eyes open for pics....:)
Cath aka....big sister....
my only child these days.....always up for a pose.
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