We have guests coming to town for the weekend. It is a big football weekend down here for many. BYU versus Arizona. We are excited for some fall football festivities. Football equals fall regardless of the weather. We love an excuse to catch up with good friends from different walks of life. We are hosting a bar b q of sorts on Saturday and I need to get my act in gear and figure out what to serve.
In the meantime I have been cleaning and prepping for some favorite guests. Guest bed ready to GO!
I found darling lamp shades and this headboard at World Market.
A classic chair from my childhood bedroom. Mixing the old with the new. If it doesn't quite all completely go.....we just call it "eclectic" and pretend it is the trend.
Target is having clearance on Oh Joy and Nate Berkus.....I got there just in time to grab a couple of items before they were sold out.
OH JOY is one of my favorite bright designers!
This picture because Sam is just so cute....."owie's" and all.
My next project will be to tackle the area above....but I LOVE these red chairs so much. They hold a special place in my heart of hearts.
A navy desk I found recently "AT HOME" ........ and a sample piece of wallpaper just the right size to frame!
And this picture.......just because.....
Gotta love a cute extra large pineapple smack dab in the middle of the table!
Let's hope the bar b q will come together. Mike promised me there would be as few as 8 and as many as 50 people. Hmmmm.........he may owe me!
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