Thursday, November 9, 2017

Sometimes it takes getting hit hard with a bad cold to stop dead in your tracks.....and call it a day at 8:00 am.  That is me today.  The weather has been cooling down to dreamy temperatures, activities and life has been unusually busy!  I have been going, going, gone!  Till today......actually last hit me.  

It is time to slow my life down.  Things need to change around here so that I am able to focus on first things first.  I feel like I have been so busy lately trying to do worthwhile things, that the most worthwhile things have been slipping.  Honesty, is a good place to start. 

This day of literally stopping in my tracks forced to due to a cold has has been a good reminder.  I need to slow down, seek first things first, and be present MORE!  I say that slightly laughing thinking my kids will be home in five minutes, homework, dance, volleyball, and church meetings are calling my name tonight.  

However a few moments of silence, sleeping, reading, and eating comfort foods with no intention of being productive has been THE BEST!  

We have two more weeks till Thanksgiving and I am trying hard not to be trunky for Christmas!  Enjoying the moment and focusing on fall!  The fall season is much different than most of the country here in Arizona, but we have our own traditions and "feel" in the air.  The cotton fields in full bloom, the smell of crisp cool desert air, days getting shorter, people coming out from hibernation walking the streets.  All in all we love it!  We are outside pretty much constantly, eating, playing at the park and just being OUTSIDE!!  

Life is full.....and full of challenges.  However a full life with challenges brings happiness when committed to the right things.  Good, better, best......I need to re-read that talk!

  A little fall vignette with recently thrifted candlesticks found in Sedona ......

Moving things around trying to hold on to fall decorating just a tad longer!  

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