Friday, March 30, 2012

Cherry Orchard!

So I have this amazing orchard not too far from my house.  Actually I have a lot of amazing orchards not too far from my house.  But one of my favorites is called Strites Market.  This is the peak time for the cherry blossoms.  So Mike and I loaded up the kids and decided to go take some early easter pics at Strites.  I am lucky because Mike likes pictures and photography almost as much as me:)  Actually he truthfully was the one that got me into it. 

Me and my camera.....I am a bit hooked.  We told the kids the Easter Bunny would bring extra candy if they took good pictures.  (I know we are horrible parents).  I must say however, that did the trick for Mikey.  The kids were seriously hillarious....and it ended up being more fun for them than for us. 

They are seriously goofs...but they seriously make us laugh.!

A flash forward to Alyssa behind the wheel, and Mikey in complete horror:)

I am not sure what I think is more hillarious.....Mikey's classic spiderman pose, or Alyssa in the background!:)

These were my favorite silly ones......
I honestly got sooooo many cute pictures....I can't even believe it! I am sorry....but I might just have to post more. 

I am thinking about having photo sessions for friends next weekend at this orchard.  The cherry blossoms are just too good to pass up right now! 

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