Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Last night I got a call from my sweet Mother in Law.  She has an uncanny sense of intuition, just as my own Mother had.  It was one of those phone calls that I just needed.  She happened to just say all the right things, and listen to all the happenings in my life.  I feel so grateful to be married to a man with a mother that I love and admire.  

As a mother and a woman I have about a million thoughts, emotions, and moods during the day.  For example at one moment of the day I can feel like I am on top of the world as a mother.  I feel like my children are listening, pleasant, and adjustable.  Five minutes later, as Sammy is screaming, Catherine and Mikey are fighting, and Alyssa is constantly planning.....I think to myself...... "What have I done to be such a failure as a mother?"  
Another example.  I wake up, take a shower, put on my somewhat thought out "try" to be cute outfit and head out the door.  Only to realize five minutes later, that I have spit up or slobber all over my shirt, crayon or marker stains all over my pants, and/or a rain storm hits, the humidity kicks in, and in one all goes to pot.  My ego is shattered.:)

The list of ups and downs go on and on as a mother, as do the list of unknowns.  I am pretty sure ups and downs go on for most  woman.  At least I try to tell myself that to feel better about myself.  

My mother in law gave me great advice last night.  She reminded me to look at the good and run with it.  Don't think and worry about the future.  The future will turn out.  Enjoy the good moments of the present.  Sound advice from one smart woman.

In my teenage years a very wise leader advised me to "always look for the beautiful things in life to guide my path."   He encouraged me to cultivate the gift of seeing beautiful things in life to guide me.  This sound advice has proved a helpful gift.  I have peace realizing that although there are times of discouragement, and times of darkness there IS  always something beautiful to see.  There WILL ALWAYS be something beautiful to see. 

I was able to see the beautiful things in life yesterday and I was able to share these memories with a close friend and my four kids in tow.  I felt lucky and blessed to have enjoyed a beautiful afternoon at the "Best" farm in all of York County!!!!

 The farm is owned by the Grandfather of my dear friend.  I was amazed at how immaculate the land and their house was kept.  It was a quaint farm with tons of character.  It is owned by people who truly understand the value of land, and hard work.  

I was reminded that hard work and good values is what our Country is founded on.  Farmers are among the most hard working, honest people around.  Our country was built from the land surrounding me.  I feel fortunate to live in this spot near beautiful fields and LAND lots of it....around me.  

So when I think about the bit of uncertainty of life ahead, I have this beautiful place in which I live, and people, to remind me of a gift....."ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE BEAUTY".

Marsdale Farms was full of beauty.....

Every farm needs a proper bell.  

Little ducks in a row as usual....


Beautiful sunflower garden.

Sam my man on the


A big old wash basin.

Lovin these eyes.....of Ikey's

and Mikey's

Fresh picked blackberries.....

A little tart a little sweet.  This face says it all.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Beautiful post. :)