Friday, February 21, 2014

Lunch Day!

Today I had a reprieve from the norm, and went to lunch with my dear friend Sara.  
We have spent A LOT of time together over the years.  I am so grateful for her friendship.  Today was one of the few times just the two of us went for a lunch outing.  Lunching just with friends is something I day dream about, but not a reality at this given point in my life.  Sara and I have "lunched" a lot together, but usually with many, if not all our kids in tow.       
Lunching with children, and lunching without our children are two completely different experiences.  It was a treat for us to be alone for a moment.  Calm, clean, quiet.:)    

I can't help but just laugh when we get together.  I took her to my favorite Indian food restaurant.  I LOVE Indian food.  Mike and I have a favorite Indian spot in town.  We think it is the best both sides of the river:)  Ironically it is in a cheap hotel in the middle of the city.   Sara was a sport, humored me, and we loved it.  

Afterwards we just couldn't escape a little shopping.  I ended up finding a little treasure I couldn't resist.  An old fashion guide to men's etiquette.  

The contents include....

I love my little treasure hunting.  You better believe I am pulling this book out for my boys birthday someday.  Lessons lost but determined not to be forgotten.  

I love it!  

Happy Friday ....yeah for the weekend!

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