Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sammy making a fishy face.

I love the age 22 months.  Every day there is a new discover with a sound, or a word, or an action.  

Sammy is obsessed with animals.  He always has been.  He especially loves dogs, and horses.  He can't say very many words, but he knows EVERY animal sound in the book.  

He even makes a fishy sound.....
These pictures below are him making a "fishy" face to go along with the sound he thinks a "fish" would make.  He tries so hard to pucker his lips, and it makes me laugh EVERY time!  

He loves to play with Fisher Price Little People.  I bought these toys 9 years ago when I had Alyssa, and he is the FIRST child to LOVE them.  

He plays for hours, especially with the farm.  He makes all the noises to go along, and tries his best to sing "OLD MACDONALD".    

He is so scrumptious I think I could just "eat him up".   

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