This past weekend was just the right about of busy. I often have felt this past year that life has gotten a little busy for comfort and health wellness:) However, this weekend the pace was just right. It felt balanced. I had some great family time, time alone with Mike, photography time, and time with good girlfriends. I attended an uplifting and wonderful women's conference at my church that filled my soul. I even fit in a couple of naps.
Photography has been a labor of love over the years. Honestly.....a labor of love is exactly what it is. I got interested in photography mainly because I wanted to capture moments with my children and not have to pay an arm and a leg for images. The more I delved into photography the more of a passion it became.
I have kept my pricing down low and have been committed to inexpensive photos shoots. really is a labor of love. The cost of equipment, time etc. is not inexpensive and I have gained a greater appreciation for photographers who charge a lot of money.
With that being said....I have and will never turn anyone away from having photos taken because of price. The past couple of weekend I ran a special for back to school mini sessions. I only charged $10 a child per two images. It was a labor of love, but oh how I enjoy it.
I love meeting people, being outside, interacting with children, framing a setting or a shot. I love it all. It is invigorating to my I continue to do it. I go through phases when I need a break. I don't like to shoot inside.....and it has to work with my schedule.
With that being said....I have loved setting aside time for the past couple of weeks and doing something I love.
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