I have few more minutes of quiet before the kids come crashing through the front door with backpacks and papers, and yelling to do's for the day. My full time job of motherhood vamps up in about 20 more minutes. Until then I needed to write down some thoughts.
This past weekend was good. A typical fall weekend. It is all relative the feelings of fall here in Arizona and not to be judged by the weather.:) However, even just a slight cool down makes a BIG difference and it feels a tinge of change in the air that brings fall nostalgia.
Alyssa got braces this past Monday. Boy does she make braces look good. She really does! I am impressed at her calm nature and non complaining spirit!
We went to football games, had volleyball practice, cleaned the house, weeded the yard. All things I remember so clearly growing up. This weekend at church we had a unique meeting of sorts. Our entire ward focused this summer on reading the Book of Mormon. It was a reading marathon of sorts.
At the end of yesterday I felt a calm a peace and a happiness. I felt like I put a lot into this weekend, and activities involved with my family, and with church. It is amazing when I am centered on these two things, how happy and how much life makes sense. It is the small and simple....it really is. I didn't travel anywhere exotic, our date night consisted of a late night Walmart run, but it was good because it was exactly what I knew I was suppose to be doing.
Life is most peaceful when I do what I know I should be doing. When my time is focused on things that I should be focusing on. This weekend was a reminder for me of this!
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