Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The birthday girl!

Last night we had our birthday girl celebration! Little Alyssa turned seven:)! So exciting......I still can't believe I had my first child that close to christmas. Alyssa was excited to have a tea party, as long as it was "fancy". Yes....her exact words. So we had a small "fancy" teaparty last night with a few of her close friends from school, and church.

We pulled out our vintage finds....tea gloves included. I made the girls fancy headbands. Strawberry crepes, hot chocolate, and grapes were the menu. Mike and Mikey were the butlers....and walla...there you have it.

I wasn't planning on have baby Catherine join in on the party.  But Alyssa and her friend Cami planned otherwise.  They somehow found a fancy dress (I was actually saving for next summer),  put a bow in her hair, and Catherine somehow landed straight in the middle of the table with all the big girls. She was THRILLED! 

They even found her a tiny plastic tea cup:)

We ended up making the snow globes, which turned out to be a hit....and I think a new found tradition for our family.  It was a fun night all in all....and I must admit I feel a huge sense of relief.  I need a big reminder for next more self done, at home birthday parties the week of christmas:)

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